Sporting Books

Play Their Hearts Out bookSports books have been this week’ s theme. We began with a look at why sports books have a potency beyond mere athleticism with The Sports Illustrated list of 100 best sports books and we recommended the audiobook version of “The Boys of Summer”, available at AudioBooksNow.

We looked at ways of learning or improving your own game, whether it’s golf, tennis or Bocce.

Most popular sports books are biographies and memoirs, so we came up with recommendations for the very best.

Goodreads gave us lists of favorite sports fiction voted on by members and books on women in sports. Joe Layden’s Women in Sports: The Complete Book on the World’s Greatest Female Athletes came out as a clear recommendation.

Lastly we looked at sport in a wider context, and came up with something quite unusual – Final Whistle, Stephen Cooper’s elegy to members of a London rugby club who volunteered to serve in the First World War, and did not return.

And don’t forget to check out our collections of sports audiobooks, including special sections on baseball and golf!