Never Fear the Haters…Fear the weak who listen to them…”Obsessed or Be Average”, by Grant Cardone

Be Obsessed Or Be AverageFrom the New York Times bestselling author of The 10X Rule and If You’re Not First, You’re Last comes an in-your-face wake-up call for anyone truly ready for success. We’re in the middle of an epidemic of average. So-called “normal” people get up every day, go to work, do what’s asked of them, leave promptly at 5, and return home to sit on the couch and watch TV. Society tells us that this is what it means to lead a balanced life. Don’t stress too much or work too hard. Your career isn’t everything. But Grant Cardone thinks this preoccupation with balance has really just given an excuse to be mediocre.

This book will give you permission to be obsessed. It will make you aware of the haters and the naysayers. Grant points out the difference between the two, and how naysayers are worse than haters. “Never fear the haters – fear the weak who listen to them.”

It was a great refresher into obsession as a positive in business. Combine this with “Ego is the Enemy” and you have a powerful strategy. Literally makes you want to sprint to your goals and conquer them. Makes what you have to do obvious and clear.

Get your digital audio copy today!!!

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