The Power of Stories

Never underestimate the power of storytelling to the human mind. We might have different views and reasons for loving reading, listening to stories, and telling stories, but one thing remains constant – imagination is one of the best platforms ever. From a very young age, we are exposed to storytelling. Our parents read us bedtime stories whenever it’s time to sleep, or when we’re sick, or when we’re afraid to be in our rooms alone. It can’t really be simply put into words, but the stories that our parents read us have a calming, reassuring effect that somehow tells us that everything’s gonna be okay.

And as we grow older, the stories continue to pour. The context and nature of these stories may change over time, but they are still stories all the same. The stories become more real, more painful, more challenging, and more graphic for some – different qualities that help shape a person’s character and personality. Whether these are stories that we’ve heard from family and friends, stories we’ve heard from complete strangers, stories written in the form of a song, stories immortalized in the big screen or on TV, or the stories that we can read over and over again in books – the charm of storytelling is universal and truly powerful.

Without doubt, times do change, and so do our ways. More and more people ditch the traditional ways of storytelling and embrace modern ones. Some find comfort at the convenience of these technologies, while others simply have not much of another option. But the real way to look at things is to see how lucky we all are to be given the chance to hear and tell our own stories.

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