“Are You Ready to See Your Fixer-Upper?”….”The Magnolia Story”, by Chip and Joanna Gaines

The Magnolia StoryThere are millions of fans who wait each week to see the amazing work of authors and designers, Chip and Joanna Gaines, as they say………Are you ready to see your fixer-upper?….. to the most fortunate buyers who are chosen to participate in their enormously popular television show, Fixer Upper, on HGTV. The show originates from their home town of Waco, Texas, where they both graduated from Baylor University.

The Magnolia Story is their first book, and focuses on their lives as they have lived them so far. It gives the readers a personal and up close look at their family and professional life behind the cameras. Those fans will be so pleased to hear how they met, the struggles they may have had, about the children they adore, and their all- important relationship with God.

The couple is noted for their keen sense of humor, and their innate ability to play off of each other, creating an atmosphere of fun and frivolity as they work very hard in building their Magnolia empire. A very popular question they receive is………is Chip always that ornery and funny at home? Joanna amusingly answers……..Chip is my own fixer-upper!!

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In the Midst of Thousands of Tourists, There is a Psychotic Mass Murderer on the Loose…”Cross the Line”, by James Patterson

Cross the LineIn American author’s James Patterson’s 24th in the Alex Cross series, readers will not be disappointed! In his usual way of writing, Patterson incorporates headlines out of the current events happening today. The book takes place in Alex’s own city of Washington DC, where crowds and chaos reign. And in the midst of thousands of tourists, there is a psychotic mass murderer on the loose.

Alex gets a call about a driver being shot as he drives on Rock Creek Park. Just as Cross begins his interrogation with this new case, another call comes in that is hitting too close for comfort. The Washington chief of detectives, who happens to be Alex’s wife’s boss, has been murdered. He was also Alex’s former boss. The plot expands to include several suspects, two high profile cases, a panicked city, and their leader has been snuffed out, leaving chaos.

The differences in opinions on the cases cause great strain in the marriage of Alex and his wife Bree. She is in the middle of a catch 22 in trying to save her marriage while at the same time scrambling to stop the murderer from striking again. Another cog is thrown into the mix when an entire group of criminals are massacred in a warehouse that they were utilizing as a meth lab. The killer, who speeds around DC on a fast motorcycle has made himself the judge, jury, and executioner. Alex and Bree must out think the psycho before he includes them both in his evil plan.

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Student by Day…Off the Grid by Night…”Night School”, by Lee Child

Night SchoolAmerican author, Lee Child presents his 20th book in the Reacher series of international mystery and suspense. In the 90’s only about 10% of the population was using the internet, so orders to operatives were actually kept secret! At the same time, it is amazing how such organizations were able to function. Reacher is called into service by disguising him as attending school, but of course by that same night, he is off the grid.

The questions abound as the team researches a Jihadist sleeper cell in Hamburg, Germany, where they overhear a Saudi courier whisper to a CIA plant…… “the American wants a hundred million dollars”. That is when all the questions begin……who is the American?……..What is he selling? ………… And to whom? The fear is, that if they do not get their man, there will be world terrorism of epic proportions.

From readers who previewed the book, it was said that it is literally a page – turner to see what will happen next! One of their favorite scenarios is when Reacher and his female sergeant encounter Neo-Nazis who attack them. Even though it seemed a bit unrealistic, the readers still enjoyed envisioning the female sergeant kicking the butts of the attackers. One rather comical comment was about the fact that actor Tom Cruise, who is not a tall person, will play the role of 6’5″, 250 lb. Reacher………seemed like an error in casting to that reader.

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Never Fear the Haters…Fear the weak who listen to them…”Obsessed or Be Average”, by Grant Cardone

Be Obsessed Or Be AverageFrom the New York Times bestselling author of The 10X Rule and If You’re Not First, You’re Last comes an in-your-face wake-up call for anyone truly ready for success. We’re in the middle of an epidemic of average. So-called “normal” people get up every day, go to work, do what’s asked of them, leave promptly at 5, and return home to sit on the couch and watch TV. Society tells us that this is what it means to lead a balanced life. Don’t stress too much or work too hard. Your career isn’t everything. But Grant Cardone thinks this preoccupation with balance has really just given an excuse to be mediocre.

This book will give you permission to be obsessed. It will make you aware of the haters and the naysayers. Grant points out the difference between the two, and how naysayers are worse than haters. “Never fear the haters – fear the weak who listen to them.”

It was a great refresher into obsession as a positive in business. Combine this with “Ego is the Enemy” and you have a powerful strategy. Literally makes you want to sprint to your goals and conquer them. Makes what you have to do obvious and clear.

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A Cold Case Can Become Hot Very Quickly…”The Wrong Side of Goodbye”, by Michael Connelly

Two By TwoIn his latest Harry Bosch series, author Michael Connelly proves Harry is still in the criminal tracking business, even though he has retired from the LAPD. Without advertising any willingness to take on new cases, Harry is still called upon for his professional services. He takes a job with the San Fernando Police Department as a reserve officer, but still gets caught up in a very dangerous case involving a serial rapist. It is a cold case, but as the reader will find out, a cold case can become hot very quickly when the perpetrator of the crime is not happy being tracked down. Even in a small town police department, the cases can be very tense, unpredictable, and dangerous.

At the same time that Harry is on the heels of the serial rapist, a very wealthy magnate has requested that he find a daughter, with whom he had no relationship. The wealthy man is dying and wants to find the daughter because she is the sole heir to his vast fortune. Unfortunately, the man dies before meeting his daughter, but Harry is still under contract to find her and secure her safety until she receives the proceeds of her inheritance. Of course, this proves to be very dangerous for all involved.

One reviewer wrote…….”I often compare reading good books to old fashioned trains leaving the station. Once I can hear the steady chug and hum as it hustles down the tracks, I know there is going to be one great ride of a story.” Some have been known to finish the book in one day……truly a page-turner.

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Perfect Storm of Greed and Corruption…”The Whistler”, by John Grisham

The WhistlerAmerican author, John Grisham has sold over 300 million copies of his books since writing The Pelican Brief in 1992. His newest offering is The Whistler, which he calls a bit of a different style than he usually writes. He has enlisted the character of Lacy Stoltz, who is an investigator for the Florida Board on Judicial Conduct. She is a lawyer who responds to complaints about perceived dishonest judges. In being called upon to investigate a certain judge who has been accused of skimming millions from Indian owned and operated casinos, she quickly realizes that this particular investigation could prove to be very personally dangerous. But, she did not expect it to be deadly.

The 493 Indian casinos in the United States make more than any regular casino……..they gross more than $30 billion (from 2015 figures). And, they have different rules……they pay no taxes, and 90% of their money is in cash. Grisham saw this as a “perfect storm” of sorts for greed and corruption to surface. Since corruption, thrills, and suspense are sellers in novels, Grisham’s combination should be a winning combination for another award winning book. He has had 28 consecutive number one best sellers on the New York Times fiction bestseller list. His wife, Renee, convinced him to put a different spin on The Whistler. She told him, “to stop preaching, get off your soap box and just write a legal thriller”. So, that he did…….with none of the usual serious social injustices incorporated. In recent interviews, Grisham has hinted that there might be a Lacy Stoltz sequel or sequels.

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Almost More Than One Person Can Handle…”Escape Clause”, by John Sanford

Rushing WatersAuthor John Sanford is best known for his fictional mystery series involving the Prey series and latest, the Virgil Flowers’ series. In his newest book, Virgil Flowers is faced with two so-called storm fronts that he must handle. In the one case, two very rare Amur tigers have gone missing, and the fear is that vicious poachers have stolen them to sell at a premium to unscrupulous people who in turn use the various dismembered body parts for traditional Chinese medicine. As if that was not enough, Virgil’s girlfriend, Frankie, has a sister named Sparkle who has brought immeasurable trouble to herself and in turn to Virgil and Frankie. Almost more than one person can handle……can Virgil do it?

As one reviewer puts it……”there is no shortage of action that includes plenty of blood, guts, gore and bawdy language”. Not a book for anyone other than adults. The conclusion of most who were given the chance to preview Escape Clause, gave it high praise and very highly recommended the read as well.

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In a Blink of an Eye, Your Life Can Change…”Two By Two”, by Nicholas Sparks

Two By TwoIf I had to guess, I would say that everyone has a favorite Nicholas Sparks book and/or movie. My personal favorite is The Notebook, and others have their favorites. Spark’s newest offering, “Two by Two” may well prove to be another favorite of many. In Nicholas Spark’s inimitable style, the subject, the characters, and their development, and the progression of the story are all perfection. Sparks seems to deliberately make sure that his next new book is entirely different than the last. Apparently, that is what keeps readers anxiously awaiting his next book.

Thirty-two year old Russell Green seems to, as they say, have it all. He has a beautiful wife, Vivian, a satisfying career, and a perfect little daughter, London. But that feeling of the perfect existence does not last. Vivian gave up her career when she gave birth to London, but as often happens, she became bored and decided to go back to work. It was that decision, combined with some others, that made everything change in their married life. Russ became a working, single father which can be daunting, especially when he thought his life’s path would go much differently.

Many times, we think all the choices we make are the right ones at the time, but then a simple something happens, and all those choices are questioned. Author Sparks always presents his stories over the span of one year to facilitate story and character development. “In the blink of an eye, your life can change and you realize there is nothing you can do but accept the realism”?

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The Final Moments of World War II…”Killing the Rising Sun”…by Bill O’Reilly

Rushing WatersIn another of his “Killing” series, author and Fox News Channel host of The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly has published Killing the Rising Sun, along with Martin Dugard. This follows their previous books…….Killing Lincoln, Killing Kennedy, Killing Jesus, Killing Patton, and Killing Reagan. It has been said that this book relates the specifics of the final moments of World War II, as no other has attempted to do.

As World War II is winding down in Europe, it was escalating in the Pacific. The Japanese in following the code of samurai Bushido, which says that surrender is dishonorable, adamantly refuse to surrender. The book takes the reader to the bloody battles of Peleliu, Iwo Jima, and the Phillipines with General Douglas MacArthur, as across the globe, Dr. Robert J. Oppenheimer and associates are preparing to test the deadliest weapon ever known. It is a trying time for the United State’s military plan when FDR dies while in office, with Harry Truman moving up to the Presidency. Immediately upon assuming the office, Truman was faced with the monumental decision of whether to use the massive bomb. Despite a huge, mounting death toll, Emperor Hirohito will not surrender. Thus, the worst weapon known to mankind is unleashed.

Most critics seem to love the book, but there are a few critics who seem to let their own political agenda keep them from giving the book it’s deserved accolades. Unfortunately, some reviewers seem to review the perceived political views of Bill O’Reilly rather than keep their comments solely about the merits of the book. The reader will be able to determine this for themselves.

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In Extreme Situations…How Do You Respond?…”Rushing Waters”, by Danielle Steel

Rushing WatersWe all watched in horror as Hurricane Sandy destroyed area after area in New Jersey and New York. It seemed surreal actually watching such a violent act of nature uprooting and ruining people’s lives and health. American author, Danielle Steel creates a fictional account of a hurricane of horrific proportions striking the densely populated area of New York City. She weaves together many characters from several different walks of life, to demonstrate how people personally react to extreme situations.

I have always wondered why some people choose to refuse to evacuate from threatened areas when the evacuation orders are given. Author Steel gives the back story of some such people, and how their decisions affect their safety or harm. Others characters are among those who must deal with trying to patch up those who have been injured, or in the worst cases, report deaths to anxiously awaiting family members. Some characters are unlucky foreign visitors who have gotten caught up in the storm drama.

Hurricane Ophelia does not discriminate against any victims. The wealthy, the poor, the students, the medical teams……. all suffer the chaos of the storm. It is up to those individuals to decide how they will respond. “Keenly observed and brilliantly told, this is an unforgettable story that proves that while life can change in an instant, even the darkest storm can bring forth courage, resilience, unexpected joy, and new life”.

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