Out For Revenge….”House of Spies”, by Daniel Silva

House of SpiesIn quoting one reader………many thriller writers are writing about ISIS, but few grasp its history or even the fundamental nature of its barbarity. Instead, they plug into a cookie cutter plot and promote the result as something profound, when it is anything but……and worse are the authors who bash readers with their personal politics rather than being creative enough to give their characters life with actions that reveal what the author is “trying” to communicate. That quote, in this reader’s opinion, is such a fair and very impressive comment on the honesty and integrity written into the new book by author, Daniel Silva. As a continuation of his best seller of 2016, The Black Widow, his new offering, House of Spies continues the work of Gabriel Allon, who is out for revenge. He is dead set on hunting down a despicable, dangerous terrorist who goes by the name of Saladin.

Gabriel Allon has now assumed the position of chief of the Office, another term for Mossad, in Israel. Various other Silva characters have been brought back into House of Spies to help enrich and embolden the plot. As does usually happen, one loose end that is overlooked by the ISIS mastermind, gives Gabriel something to cling to as he begins to get closer to the world’s most dangerous terrorist.

Even after a long, successful string of novels, Silva still finds new ways to create surprises for his readers. One had assumed that once Gabriel Allon was said to have left field work, his importance might be insignificant. But with genius writing and character development, Gabriel will still carry the novels to come.
House of Spies “is just the type of relentless, high powered, headline – beating thriller that readers have come to expect from Daniel Silva, one of the truly great, must-read authors of his time.

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From Alternating Points of View, Family Issues, and an Epilogue…”Local Girl Missing”, by Claire Douglas

Local Girl MissingJust the title is chilling enough in today’s world, but the brand new book from author Claire Douglas might just surpass the thrill of the title, Local Girl Missing. It has all the components of what an excellent mystery should have…….suspense, mystery, makes your heart race, from alternating points of view, family issues, and an epilogue.

The two main characters, Francesca and Sophia have been friends what seems like forever. Frankie is a well to do, only child type who has beauty, money, and attention. Sophie is much quieter, preferring to curl up with a book, and lives an ordinary, non-dramatic life with her mother and brother. The big clue to everything is the age-old story of two friends falling for the same guy. Never good! As the mystery unfolds with twists and turns across almost two decades, Sophie’s remains have surfaced, and her older brother asked Frankie to return to their little seaside town to help solve the mystery of Sophie’s death. Thus begins the alternating points of view……….. Frankie gives the present day, and Sophie tells her story to the reader through her diary.

It has been called a perfect thriller, beautifully written, a page turner, with great character description, and great plots that connect all the dots. A challenge is to see if the reader can figure out the mystery before the end of book reveal……..and no cheating!

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The Miracle Of Dunkirk, “Dunkirk”, by Joshua Levine

DunkirkWe have all heard about the battle of Dunkirk with the Allied troops against Hitler’s Nazi army. It was truly a miracle that 400,000 Allied troops were trapped against the coast of Dunkirk, and sure to perish. However, 338,000 of those troops were rescued, and within eleven days were evacuated into England. Many wondered how that was possible against such a forceful army as Nazi Germany.

Author, Walter Lord took on the task of laying out the happenings of May 24, 1940 in the same methodical, deliberate method with which he wrote his most famous, acclaimed book, Titanic: A Night to Remember. It is said that he is so precise in his detail that he documented the sound in Titanic by counting the number of plates, cups, and pieces of glass that were breaking all at once. Some have said that had Lord only written that one book, he would still be the favorite author of many.

The Miracle of Dunkirk is a fast paced novel, with no explanations of how the Allied troops got themselves into that position in the first place, but jumps right into the rescue. Lord’s “in the weeds” perspective is focused on individuals, not a chain of events leading up to the battle, which some critics find to be problematic. But many wholeheartedly agree with the author’s method because he introduces interesting characters, from the soldier waiting to be rescued, to the captains dodging German torpedo boats, even including civilian day-sailors crossing the Channel to lend assistance. This rescue of so many by non-military transports surpasses any other similar attempt. Lord was totally immersed into the experiential aspect of the situation.

The Miracle of Dunkirk will be adapted to screen by Dark Knight director, Christopher Nolan. The film will be called Dunkirk and was shot in IMAX, and is a big budget film, retelling the BEF’s remarkable escape.

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People Aren’t Always What They Seem…”Tom Clancy Point of Contact”, by Mike Maden

Point of ContactIn a thriller that could be taken from current headlines, Tom Clancy Point of Contact will keep its readers on their toes with suspense and a very active last hundred or so pages. Even though the beloved author, Tom Clancy, has passed, his essence is carried on by various authors writing in the same vane as Clancy. In Point of Contact, The Campus and Jack Ryan, Jr. continue their secret work as they have done in previous novels by Clancy. In this episode, Jack Ryan, Jr. is partnered with Paul Brown at the request of Senator Rhodes, a defense contractor, who needs a job in Singapore done very quickly. Jack Ryan knows nothing of Paul Brown’s secrets……not exactly just the mild-mannered forensic accountant he appears to be. And, Paul Brown has no idea that Jack Ryan, Jr. works for The Campus, a top-secret American intelligence agency. An interesting pairing for sure.

The Tom Clancy novels are known by their readers as taking place in the Jack Ryan universe. Together Ryan and Brown race to escape both the killer storm bearing down on Singapore, and the assassins who have been paid to see that both are exterminated. They do this for self-preservation and to try to prevent a global catastrophe.

Tom Clancy Point of Contact describes in detail how people who are essentially good, can do very bad things, can be manipulated, lied to, threatened and bullied. In this Clancy-eske thriller, there are fights, espionage, betrayal, politicians, gangsters, and special operators. To round out the Clancy character filled novel, also added are beautiful women and dangerous bad guys. We all know how things can go wrong in the blink of an eye, and people aren’t always what they seem.

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Two Unlikely Couples Begin a Friendship that Lasts for More than Two Decades…”Same Beach, Next Year”, by Dorothea Benton Frank

Same Beach, Next YearThe Lowcountry of South Carolina is author, Dorothea Benton Frank’s favorite location for her acclaimed beach books. Some readers determine their signal of true summer and beach time by the addition of a new book from author Frank. Her book, Same Beach, Next Year, continues to give her readers another great story to include in their beach bag. What could serve as a better backdrop for a summer book…… ocean breezes, the beaming sunshine, fruit filled cocktails, and a beautiful, starry night……lending to those promises of excitement in love and friendship. Such is the setting for Same Beach, Next Year.

In one particular summer, two unlikely couples begin a friendship that lasts more than two decades. Every year, Adam and Eliza and their twin boys spend a few weeks on Isle of Palms, which is not far from their home. Adam owns a very successful construction business and Eliza is a great cook with aspirations of writing a cookbook. This particular year, a new couple rents the condo next door. As it turns out, the wife is Eve, who was Adam’s first love in high school…….pretty coincidental. Eve is married to Carl, who is a pediatrician, and hardworking in his own right. They have one daughter who is about the same age as the twin boys. The two couples also have parents who come with them to help with the children. The two families hit it off and become fast friends who then go back to the same places each year for several years.

Readers say that this format is a departure from Frank’s usual format, which they were pleased to see. Most reviewed it as a very moving story with well-developed characters and a good narrative from the couple of Adam and Eliza. They seem to be stuck in the past……each for different reasons. Eliza, even though thought to be quite shallow, was an obvious voice of reason among the four. The book follows their stories of both ups and downs, leaving the reader having no idea how the relationships would mature until the very end of the book. Most readers agreed that they were sorry to see the book end. Their testament to a very good novel.

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Place of Secrets, Mystery and Witchcraft…”Into the Water”, by Paula Hawkins

Into The WaterIf reading a “sleep snatcher” mystery is your forte` then London born author Paula Hawkin’s book, Into the Water is perfect for your next read. Hawkin’s Girl on the Train was a mega hit both as a book and on film. She has a method of telling the story using many characters, each with their own issues, then weaving them all into the finished plot. She has also been given kudos for making each chapter brief, yet jam packed with pieces of the plot puzzle.

Nel Abbott had lived in Mill House by the river her entire life. “The Drowning Pool” as it was called since medieval times was just as much a part of her memory growing up as anything else. It was an intimidating place of secrets, mystery, and witchcraft. Nel had been so consumed with interest in the stories of “troublesome” women who had their lives taken in the Drowning Pool……..some walked in of their own choice, but others had “assistance”………. unsolicited assistance. It is suspected that Nel, a single mother of a teenager, had unwanted assistance in her death in the “Drowning Pool”. And with that, Into the Water takes the reader on an unsettling journey to find the truth.

Hawkin’s “delivers an urgent, twisting, deeply satisfying read that hinges on the deceptiveness of emotion and memory, as well as the devastating ways that the past can reach a long arm into the present”. You know what “they” say……..”Beware a calm surface……you never know what lies beneath”.

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Master of Military Strategy and Lethal Warfare…”Thrawn”, by Timothy Zahn

ThrawnEven though Thrawn seems to be one of the most iconic villains in the history of Star Wars, many avid readers find themselves rooting for him and The Empire in the book by Timothy Zahn. Of course, they are not the good guys, but his character development is the best of any of the main characters. Author Zahn chronicles the fateful events that gave the blue-skinned, red-eyed, master of military strategy and lethal warfare his rise into the highest levels of power……and infamy.

Reviewers generally seem to approve of Thrawn more in Zahn’s book much more than in the Legend series, and much better than he is portrayed in the Rebels film series. A definite plug has been given to the audio book format. Reviewers feel that the narrator, Marc Thompson is so good that he is by far the choice to narrate all Star Wars books. Lucasfilm does a great job in creating the perfect mood with the appropriate music and sound effects. One critic says it is more like listening to a radio drama, than an audio book.

As one reviewer adequately stated: “This is a perfect character study. It’s the Thrawn we always wanted but never got in Legends, and finally, he’s in all his glory, in the Star Wars canon”.

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Unfolding at A Frenetic Pace, Being Told in Two Tenses at Once…Past and Present…”The Black Book”, by James Patterson

The Black BookIt is quite a quandary when one is accused of murder and they cannot remember a single detail of the incident. And, that person was also caught up in the shooting and sustained near fatal injuries. Such is the premise of the story line in The Black Book by James Patterson. Author Patterson has been a very prolific mystery writer with several series over a period of several years. In this book, Billy Harney comes from a family of cops in Chicago, and has the ethic that he will do anything to excel at his job.

Avid readers have, at times, become disenchanted with Patterson’s work, claiming that he was basically just pumping out books for royalties and not giving much attention to the structure and intensity of the plot, as he did in Along Came a Spider, and Kiss the Girls. However, The Black Book seems to have revived their enthusiasm for Patterson’s work. Even Patterson himself admitted that The Black Book was his best work in years. The plot is said to unfold at a frenetic pace, being told in two tenses at once……past and present. Even the most adept fans thought they had figured out the end of the book, only to find that the actual ending was a complete surprise and was excellently delivered.

Most of the time, Patterson’s books are checked out of the library by many readers, because they do not feel the commercialized mysteries are worth buying. However, The Black Book has changed their minds….. they are just hoping they do not have to wait another several years for another block buster mystery. The Black Book left its readers wanting more.

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Follow the Evidence Before Time Runs Out…”Burial Hour”, by Jeffrey Deaver

Man OverboardAmerican novelist, Jeffrey Deaver, is a number one bestselling author who has published another (the thirteenth) book in his Lincoln Rhyme thriller series. Rymes and his partner Amelia Sachs, are investigating a kidnapping that occurred in broad daylight. The only “evidence”, or calling card as some would call it, was a tiny noose left lying on the street. Then, a bizarre recording surfaces with the sound of the victim being strangled, gasps being heard, as an eerie piece of music plays in the background.

Regardless of how they made every attempt, the perpetrator got away. To their chagrin, another similar kidnapping occurs in Naples, Italy. They immediately head to Italy to combine efforts with the Italian officials, which can prove to be very complicated. They can only follow the evidence before their time runs out to find the killer, who has identified himself as The Composer.

Some critics were not so thrilled with Deaver’s insertion of his political views into The Burial Hour, which has not been done in previous installments of the series. Not sure why he would choose to alienate at least half of his readers. Usually, accomplished authors are able to avoid such personal controversy in their literary works. The readers can evaluate for themselves whether they think the addition of political ideology is pertinent or immaterial to the success of the book.

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Was it Suicide, An Accident or Murder???…”Man Overboard”, by J.A. Jance

Man OverboardMan Overboard is a fast moving suspense thriller full of action on every page. J. A. Jance keeps her readers guessing as to where the story is heading. Her storyline is full of cyber bullying, betrayal, intrigue, suspicious deaths and manipulation.

Roger McGeary’s gets an all-expense paid cruise and he’s having the time of his life on it. That is until he falls over the balcony of his suite. Was it suicide, an accident or murder? The panama police called it a ‘misadventure’ to cover their bases. But Roger’s Aunt Julia isn’t happy with that and she wants answers. So she calls on Rogers’s childhood friend Stuart Ramey and his security team to solve the mystery.

Stuart, Cami, and Ali, part of High Noon Enterprise online security firm, soon find out they’re dealing with a killer who is targeting victims who lost parents to suicide and is attempting to drive them to the same tragic end. And on top of it all…the killer isn’t working alone…

Man Overboard is the 12th book in the series, and although you don’t need to read the others to be able to follow the characters…it will make you want to listen to the others.

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