Taking the Reading to the Edge of Horror…”The Outsider”, by Stephen King

The OutsiderOnce again, the “King” of horror and mystery author, Stephen King, has given his fan base another hit book in The Outsider. It has mystery, but also subject matter that will seem over the top for some readers. But, that is what the author thrives on……providing such subjects that take the reader to the edge of horror, then snapping them back to a sort of literary reality. When the victim is an eleven year old boy, that gives an indication of how distasteful the crime is.

There are several characters that are woven together in The Outsider. Some are victims, some appear to be perpetrators, but aren’t, and then some complete the stories. Oh yes, there will be no mention of the actual villain……the reader can find that out as they go.

The Outsider has been added to the top five Stephen King novels by some reviewers. One such review gave this order: (1) The Outsider; (2) Bag of Bones; (3) Revival; (4) Pet Semetary; (5) It
They add……that is how good this book is.

“King constructs a propulsive plot, and a race against time to uncover the identity of a terrifying and diabolical killer who has left victims…..and “perpetrators”……and across the country, and who is on his way to his next horrific act”.

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Nothing Can Break Her…”This is Me”, by Chrissy Metz

The Great AloneIt must be pretty cathartic to be in a position to write a self-revealing book at the young age of 37 years. Such is the new book, This Is Me, a novel by Chrissy Metz, who is the star performer on the hugely popular tv serial, This Is Us. It has been described as alternating between instructional and autobiographical, and as presented in raw honesty. Through her life lessons, she has learned that both setbacks and successes can be valuable in moving through life.

Chrissy grew up in a large family, but out of nowhere, her father just disappeared one day. Her mother did her best, but they always felt the threat of possible hunger or that their electricity might be turned off. So, when her mother remarried, Chrissy felt excitement and hope that her family’s life would return to some normalcy. However, that hope was short-lived, as her step-father became very mentally, verbally, and physically abusive. He seemed to just hate her body…….he started weighing her at age 14. I always have to wonder where the mother was when things like this happen to step-children. He punched her, shoved her, yanked her wrist, but never hit her face. She said it was as though he was just offended by her body. She also says that the mistreatment by him made her realize that nothing can break her after living through his abuse.

This Is Me is a takeoff on her very successful television show on NBC, This Is Us. Viewers seem to see themselves in her character, Kate Pearson, no matter where they live or what they look like. The character, as well as the entertainer, makes her viewers and readers feel like they are spending time with a friend with whom they can identify with.

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From Where The Force Awakens Ended, to…”The Last Jedi” begins…by Jason Fry

The Last JediStar Wars fans have been very surprised at their own delight in reading the official adaptation of Star Wars: The Last Jedi by author Jason Fry. With the input from director Rian Johnson, the author expands on the film by including scenes from unused portions of the script and other content. And so begins another threat to the Empire and the galaxy’s freedom by the evil First Order.

The novel has been described as reading like a real book, and much better than the book created from The Force Awakens. It gives the reader the sense of something new, even though you already know the source for most of the story.

The heroes in the story provide a good example by admitting their mistakes, and better yet, learning from them. A great theme for all readers, but especially young readers. All the characters……Snoke, Hux, Luke, Ben Solo, Leia, and Rey…..were captured beautifully and emotionally in the new, untouched scenes crafted by the consulting director.

“Where the action of Star Wars: The Force Awakens ended, Star Wars: The Last Jedi begins, as the battle between light and dark climbs to astonishing new heights”.

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A Fantastic Voyage in Believing That There is GOOD in the World…”A Wrinkle In Time”, by Madeleine L’Engle

Wrinkle in TimeWhat would you do if your scientist father was experimenting with a fifth dimension, then suddenly disappeared? You would, of course, try to find your father by whatever means possible. For Meg Murry, her brother Charles Wallace, and her friend Calvin, the time had come to rescue Mr. Murry from whatever dimension had grabbed him. Author L’Engle is well into her 80’s, but those who have met her say she is spirited, engaging, challenging and very sharp for any age. She autographed one reader’s copy of A Wrinkle in Time by inscribing…….with love and a flourish, “ananda”! The ending word loosely means bliss or joy. What an amazing comment by such a spirited author.

Creativity is the central word to describe this book. From its wonderful names, such as Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Witch who were lively supernatural neighbors. Then, there is the lovely Aunt Beast. The three ladies, whose names begin with W, are escorts for the Murry children and their friend from Meg’s school into the universe and into the fifth dimension to try to rescue their father.

The story ramps up in excitement……so much so that most children might become a little frightened and anxious. This commonly happens when a story deals with the forces of good and evil. Fortunately, for the reader, the story does have a happy ending. One reviewer said what we can all wish……I love believing there is GOOD in the world…….but sometimes we still feel sad.

Major motion picture, starring Oprah Winfrey, Reece Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, Storm Reid and Chris Pine was released to theaters on March 89, 2018.

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Walk Like a Queen…”Gold Dust Women, The Biography of Stevie Nicks”, by Stephen Davis

Gold Dust WomenWhen we think of who is an awesome iconic woman in serious rock’n roll……one of the first names that comes to mind has to be Stevie Nicks. Her place in music history was secured by her years of performing with Fleetwood Mac. To this day, she performs to sold out venues at the age of 69. Her fans are die-hard and have gobbled up the information in author, Stephen Davis’ unauthorized biography entitled Gold Dust Woman. Even self-proclaimed Stevie Nicks-aholics admit that the prospect of another biography about the rocker icon left them less than interested, but they were pleasantly surprised at how much more they learned about Stevie and her illustrious career and colorful personal life.

Stevie became interested in music through her grandfather, when she was a child. Eventually, she met Lindsey Buckingham and her years as a rock goddess began. Her career with Fleetwood Mac has been described by the author in various stages of the good, the bad, and the ugly. It follows her journey through battling drug addiction and various exes, and on to a very successful solo career in present day.

Gold Dust Woman portrays the life of Stevie Nicks taking the reader through her relationship with controlling Lindsey Buckingham, her rally to assert her strength to stand up to him and the man’s music world of Fleetwood Mac, and her fight to the top as she proved her worth as an outstanding talent who deserves her celebrity status. She aspired to and gained the right to “walk like a queen”.

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Showing Compassion and a Sense of Humanity…”Wonder”, by R.L. Palacio

Wonder“It’s okay, I know I’m weird-looking, take a look, I don’t bite”…… and such is the story-line for author, R. L. Palacio’s newest book…Wonder. It has always been a mystery to me why anyone can be non-compassionate, when it comes to treating others who have challenges or frailties. If you are fortunate and blessed to be what we think of as “normal”, then that should make it compulsory to be kind and sympathetic to those who were not so fortunate. The story of August (Auggie) Pullman shows the kind side of kind people, and the cruel side of cruel people……with not all cruelty coming from his child peers……hard to believe that adults would ever be as cruel as they sometimes are.

Auggie is just 10 years old, and is starting in a private school for the first time. He has a very severe facial deformity that causes others to feel very sorry for him, or very cruel to him. He has a great attitude, as evidenced by the first sentence of this review, but even with the best attitude, his everyday life is full of very high moments as well as those dreaded low ones. Author Palacio captures the story of Auggie’s personal growth as well as others who surround him each day. It is a complicated web of emotions among family and friends as they cheer for him as he learns some of life’s hardest lessons.

Whether author Palacio had intended it or not, the book has spurred a new discussion of showing compassion and a sense of humanity when interacting with those who through no fault of their own, have physical or mental challenges. Hopefully, those who read the book, or see the movie, will either reinforce their current sensitivity toward those like Auggie, or will have a change of heart and develop the sensitivity they should have as a human being.

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Unconditional Love….”Noelle”, by Greg Kincaid

NoelleAs a New York Times bestselling author, Greg Kincaid has presented himself as a lover of dogs (and cats), a believer in the human spirit, and a strong affection for the family unit. His previous books in the series, A Dog Named Christmas, and A Christmas Home, follow the everyday life and passion for dogs that the main characters in the books possess. The McCray family from a small town in Kansas give Kincaid’s books their personality and authentic feel.

The newest in the series, Noelle, is more about the McCray son, Todd, who was described in previous stories as having some sort of mental challenge, but was never mentioned again. Now, this new book finds Todd coming back home to be one of the directors of a newly formed animal rescue group. Of course, Todd cannot resist a newly found homeless dog who survived in a ditch, even when its companion dog did not. Todd names the new adoptee, Elle. She does not fit the expectation of a perfect dog, but that may be a good reason for Todd to adopt her. Elle knows how to make the most of her experiences with people by showing them unconditional love.

There are many stories packed into one book with Noelle. There is the story of Todd and his girlfriend, Laura, the continuing story of Todd’s mother, Mary Ann, and the story of Abby and Link’s dissolving marriage. One reviewer commented that each story could be a book of its own.

Greg Kincaid’s books are filled with stories and characters that all ring true to the spirit of the Christmas season. They are books for dog or animal lovers, those who are lovers of all things Christmas, or anyone who enjoys excellent, solid family stories written in “simple, everyday prose, the warm, somewhat mushy, and equivalent of a Hallmark movie”.

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Reinforcing the Idea That We Owe our Forefathers Much Respect….”Killing England”, by Bill O’Reilly

Killing EnglandIt has become a very popular series of books from authors, Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard, and the latest, Killing England, is considered by some to be the best yet. Some readers say that this book about the Revolutionary War, told through the eyes of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and King George III, is a true chronicle of America’s battles to become independent of England. A protest resulted in a world war that would bring many casualties and create complete chaos.

It has always been a horrendous thought of how savage the combat in such a war must have been. Fighting face to face, hand to hand until death is the true brutality of such a war. The authors give realistic accounts of some of the iconic battles such as Yorktown, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, and Long Island. The real characters come to life as they are either brave Americans or known traitors. The book demonstrates how people who really want their lives bettered can accomplish the impossible.

Some readers may get a better idea of the roots of American Democracy, and why so many are so angrily defending the National Anthem and Flag. Killing England reinforces the ideas that we owe our forefathers the respect for all they endured to create our independent country. Being a former history teacher, O’Reilly is adept in presenting the subject with historical accuracy. Not only is the book narrative given from the American leaders, but also from the points of view of the English Monarchy, and even explains French society at the time of the war. In the words of one reader……..it is both an amazing and very instructional read.

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Morphing Into his Victims Thoughts and Becoming Their Worst Nightmare…”It”, by Stephen King

DunkirkFor anyone who is already fearful of clowns, author, Stephen King’s novel, It, will be a true reading and watching nightmare. King has an amazing talent for bringing out the very worst (or the best depending how you look at it) in his maniacal, extremely clever, wicked main characters. Such is the character in It, who is Pennywise, the evil clown, who can morph himself to fit his victims thoughts. Quite a nightmare for those who try to stop him.

The place is Derry, Maine, which seems to have a deep, dark hold on author King. Back in the day, there were seven teenagers who survived the attack of children by something that came up from the sewer to hideously murder children. It picked on those who had various types of negativity in their lives. The seven teens had abusive or ill- caring parents, poverty, illness, ethnicity, a stutter, obesity, and chronic short-sightedness. As adults, they vowed to return to their hometown to confront the evil without a name…….It.

The newer movies by screenwriter Gary Dauberman and Muschietti, splits the book into two parts. This gives more detail ad attention to the teenagers, then the same in adulthood. The movie works well because it takes time with the kids, showing their comradeship as much as their fears. It is recommended to read and watch Stephen King’s It in a well-lit environment.

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Master of Military Strategy and Lethal Warfare…”Thrawn”, by Timothy Zahn

ThrawnEven though Thrawn seems to be one of the most iconic villains in the history of Star Wars, many avid readers find themselves rooting for him and The Empire in the book by Timothy Zahn. Of course, they are not the good guys, but his character development is the best of any of the main characters. Author Zahn chronicles the fateful events that gave the blue-skinned, red-eyed, master of military strategy and lethal warfare his rise into the highest levels of power……and infamy.

Reviewers generally seem to approve of Thrawn more in Zahn’s book much more than in the Legend series, and much better than he is portrayed in the Rebels film series. A definite plug has been given to the audio book format. Reviewers feel that the narrator, Marc Thompson is so good that he is by far the choice to narrate all Star Wars books. Lucasfilm does a great job in creating the perfect mood with the appropriate music and sound effects. One critic says it is more like listening to a radio drama, than an audio book.

As one reviewer adequately stated: “This is a perfect character study. It’s the Thrawn we always wanted but never got in Legends, and finally, he’s in all his glory, in the Star Wars canon”.

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