June is Audiobook Month! AudiobookNow is running mega sales all month long in celebration:
Digital audiobook related news and information
June is Audiobook Month! AudiobookNow is running mega sales all month long in celebration:
AudiobooksNow has partnered with Carbon Unwind to bring you sleep and meditation audio. Most people have trouble getting a good night sleep, especially in these stressful pandemic times. Inspired by nature and the outdoors, Carbon Unwind has created content to help you get a better nights sleep. You can purchase this sleep and meditation content al-a-cart or gain unlimited access to the entire sleep and meditation library included in our Club Pricing Plan at no extra cost. There is also content designed specifically for kids.
Explanation of what digital audiobooks are, advantages of digital audiobooks, and how they can be used.
Let’s start by saying what digital audiobooks are not. They are not book on tape or audio books on CD. Books on tape are extinct and audio books on CD are right behind them. They do not even make cars with CD players in them anymore so it is just a matter of time before CDs follow cassette tapes.
Now let’s talk about what digital audiobooks are. Digital audiobooks are audiobooks in some type of digital audio file format, the most common format being MP3. MP3 files are compressed audio files that offer small file size and great sound quality. Audiobooks in digital format can be downloaded or streamed from a website on a desktop or laptop computer, or through apps on mobile devices, Apple iPhone or iPad for example. Three advantages of digital audiobooks over other formats:
One of the main advantages of digital over other formats is being able to instantly access the audiobook after purchasing. Digital requires no shipping time or cost and are less expensive than other formats. Another advantage is portability. Downloading them to a smartphone or tablet allows you to easily take your audiobooks on the go. Using your devices built in speaker, headphones, or Bluetooth gives you multiple was to listen. Most automobiles these days have built in Bluetooth capabilities so you can pair your mobile device with your automobile and use the internal speakers to listen to your audiobooks.
Other advantages of digital is the ability to take your entire audiobook library with you on the go that fits in the palm of your hand. You also do not have to worry about swapping CDs or cassette tapes in and out or scratching or losing them. The MP3 files can even be download and listen to on a thumb drive, MP3 player, or any app of your choice. Here are 5 more advantages of digital audiobooks:
We have covered a lot of advantages of audiobooks in digital format and that points out a lot of disadvantages of other audio book formats. Because of many advantages of digital, publishers are making less and less audio books on CD. This trend is expected to continue and audio books on CD will eventually be phased out like books on tape. To browse AudiobooksNow’s selection of over 180,000 digital audiobooks, please use the link below:
June is Audiobook Month! Visit AudiobookNow all month long for mega sales and special promotions:
Check out all the great specials we have going on this month in celebration of audiobook month.
June is Audiobook Month. Find your next great listen at AudiobooksNow today!
It is easy to find a multitude of reading challenges for any given year, genre, or topic on the Internet. While some might work for you and ultimately prove successful, others may not work for your reading style. Challenges are a fun way to expand your reading and expose you to a wide array of books, authors, and genres, that you may not have been exposed to before. So, how do you create a reading challenge that works best for you? Read on to learn how to create your own reading challenge.
Take Stock
The best place to begin designing your own reading challenge is to take note of books that you have read previously. Whether you use a website, spreadsheet, notebook, or another method to keep track of all your books, review what you have been able to read in the past year or two. If you have an account with AudiobooksNow or another platform for downloading audio books, you can easily find the number and type of books you’ve listened to recently. Count how many books you’ve completed for a good jumping off point. Do you want to read the same amount you’ve read previously? You do you want to read more? Less? Do you want to try reading different genres? New authors? Knowing what you have read will help you determine how many and what types you want to include in your reading challenge.
Set a Goal
If you’ve been thinking about creating your own reading challenge, you might already have goals in mind. Or you may not have a clue what you want your goal to be. And that’s okay too; you can still create your own reading challenge. The most important thing is to set realistic goals. Knowing how many books you’ve read in years past will provide you with a realistic expectation of what you can accomplish this year. If your goal is to read more, try aiming for 5-10 more.
Pick a Tracking Method
While it may seem obvious if you want to have a successful challenge you’re going to have to know if you are meeting your goals. Find a tracking method that works for you. There are websites, apps, and widgets that can help keep track of your reading. If you’d prefer not to use an online option, you can create a simple spreadsheet or write down the books that you read in a notebook. Find a method that works for you and is convenient for you, otherwise, you won’t consistently use it.
Read! (or Listen)
Now that you have set goals and are prepared to track them, you are ready for the most important part of your challenge: reading! When selecting books to read, keep your challenge and goals in mind and select books that excite you.
Whether your goals are to read more physical books or enjoy downloading audio books to read on the go, the important thing is to enjoy the journey of reading and discovering new books. Check out Audiobooks Now and discover your next favorite book!
In author Danielle Steel’s inimitable style, her novel, Turning Point, there is a healthy mix of intrigue and romance. Four esteemed doctors are chosen to participate in a mass-casualty training program in Paris, France. While they are there, the training quickly turns to actual trauma when an unspeakable act of mass violence occurs in The City of Light.
The main characters are four doctors who are each tops in their area of specialty medicine. Bill Browning is the head of San Francisco’s busiest trauma unit. He is a workaholic since his ex-wife and children live in London. Stephenie Lawrence is a teaching star, and has a frustrated stay-at-home husband and two young sons……she has no time for any of them. Harvard graduate, Wendy Jones, a trauma expert is locked in a dead end romance with a married cardiac surgeon. Then, there is lady’s man Tom Wylie, who is all about one night stands and avoiding any commitment. They all welcome the adventure and challenge that they are about to accept.
Turning Point has been compared by some as in the same vein as Grey’s Anatomy, as it focuses more on the doctor’s personal experiences, but with just enough outside activity covered to give a dramatic edge along with the romantic adventures. Their temporary life in Paris becomes a stark turning point, where they will make harder decisions than they ever have before, and will be living life with the consequences.
Get your digital audio copy today!!
Not many women get the opportunity to be the First Lady of the United States, so in her eight years in that position, Michelle Obama established herself as a powerful force for the issues that were most important to her. Michelle has written a book, Becoming, that gives an overview of her time as the wife of the first black President, Barrack Hussein Obama, expressing her intimate thoughts about the experience. She chose issues that were important to her and ones that would be good examples for her two daughters. She promoted healthier and more active lifestyles, and served as an advocate for women and girls.
She has been given glowing reviews by her fans as presenting a work of deep reflection and descriptive storytelling. She writes a chronological description of her world as she has lived it, beginning with her childhood in the South Side of Chicago, to the years she was an executive, trying to balance work and family, to the eight years she lived in “the people’s house”. One reader described her personal view of the book as warm, wise, and revelatory. The story of a black woman who always exceeded expectations.
In her own words……. “I was humbled and excited to be First Lady, but not for one second did I think I’d be sliding into some glamorous, easy role. Nobody who has the words “first” and “black” attached to them ever would. I stood at the foot of the mountain, knowing I’d need to climb my way into favor.”
Get your digital audio copy today!!
Like some amusement park rides, perhaps this book needs a warning for those with heart issues. Author, Josh Malerman, has written a very suspenseful tale of a beyond odd occurrence happening to ordinary people in a world gone berserk. For five years people have lived in fear of “whatever ‘it’ is”. The person who sees the evil, immediately becomes deadly violent. Nobody knows whether it is man, alien, beast, or monster……it is just always out there waiting for the next victim.
“It” has been out there for five years, and just a few scattered survivors remain, among them is Malorie and her two young children. They live in an abandoned house close to the river, and she constantly thinks of some way to escape to a better place. The children are four now, so she feels it is time to try to escape. But, it must be very carefully planned, or they will all three perish. The journey will be beyond terrifying with a twenty mile downriver rowboat trip. Oh, and did I mention….blindfolded!
People rarely leave their houses, but when they do they are wearing blindfolds. That gives them some small protection by keeping them from seeing “It”. Violence and danger is fear creating enough, but add no sense of sight to the equation, and it becomes terrifying.
This has been described as among the best books to provide so much suspense in the writing style that you feel immersed in the storyline…….right there along with Malorie and her children…… a truly spooky thriller novel…. people wandering around in an apocalyptic world with only their sense of smell, touch, and hearing.
Movie adaptation, staring Sandra Bullock, was release in December on Netflix.
Get your digital audio copy today!!