Audiobooks vs. Reading: Who Wins?

cd-and-booksIn 2005, when the MP3 player audiobook craze started, it was considered cute to see people strolling or jogging along the pathways of the local parks listening to their favorite books as they exercised. Audiobooks have really seen an increase in popularity recently with people listening to them on the way to work, on breaks, while exercising and cleaning house, or even while just relaxing. Now, it seems that even times when people could be reading a book, they still tend to prefer to just plug in and listen. Audiobooks are great but controversy points to the fact that they aren’t the same as actually reading a book. Does your brain retain the information as well as if your eyes are following the written word? Read on to find out.

The Feel of the Book

Many people report that the feel of the book helps them to retain information easier. It’s been reported as an association between being cozy and the feel of the book in your hands. When most people think of reading, especially a fiction novel, it brings up images of a couch, a blanket tucked in around the legs, coffee in hand, and a fire in the fireplace. To many people, that is the best way to read, not listening to your book as you rush home from work during 5:00 traffic.

On the other hand, if it wasn’t for audiobooks in today’s ultra busy world, some people wouldn’t get to read their favorite authors at all. For many, the job, kids, and just life in general have them too exhausted to read at the end of the day, so they listen to audiobooks as they go about their daily business. It is certainly better to hear your book than not get to read it at all right?

Research Shows…

Research into the audiobook vs. reading debate has come up with some pretty interesting results. Research has shown that reading and listening are actually cognitively similar. The bottom line here is that people who read and understand what they are reading are just as likely to retain and understand what they are listening to as well. For example, reading and listening is often used in teaching a foreign language.

Research also shows that you can get distracted from reading easily and lose your place and train of thought. Which is true as avid readers know because it has happened to all of us at some time or another. A lot of losing your concentration with audiobooks is the fact that people multitask when listening to them. It’s just not possible to read a book while you are doing the dishes or vacuuming. However, with an audiobook you can easily get wrapped up in whatever task you’re doing and forget about listening to your book.

The Type of Book

The fact has been discussed that the type of book you are listening to can determine how well you absorb the words. Books that are difficult sometimes require you to go back and read other words to tie them together, something you can’t really do with an audiobook. The end result is that whether listening or reading we stop both if there is even a hint that something more interesting might be going on. That is human nature and whether we devour a book with our eyes or our ears we will still get distracted if something happens. Audiobooks force you to listen to every word that is spoken, something books often don’t do. I, myself have gotten so into a book that I skim sentences to see what happened. You can miss a lot that way. This isn’t possible with an audiobook, you hear every word of what is being read to you so the reality is that you retain more of it.

My Conclusions

While I can’t see myself curling up on the couch and listening to my book on a lazy afternoon, I can see the benefit of audiobooks. If you just can’t wait to find out who did it in our latest mystery but you have to clean the bathroom, pop on an audiobook and you will soon know. If you were up all night with a sick baby and have an exam at school the next morning, pop in your audiobook and cram on the way to school.

I guess we will never truly know whether the eyes or the ears are better when it comes to retaining knowledge, and in today’s technology driven world there are so many options from e-books to blogs and audio to video that it’s hard to slow down and even try to figure it all out.

In my opinion, it’s a personal choice or then again why can’t we all just do both? Do you read books or listen to audio? Which way suits you better? We would love to hear your opinion!

Summary of Posts: March 24th 2013

This cycle in AudoBooksNow we discussed everything from the reasons people buy audiobooks to how to download them on your iPod. Join us and tell us what your favorite audiobooks are.

  • Jason Boog tells how the audiobooks are gaining popularity with increasing number sales and decreasing number of people returning the purchases to the stores. Future looks great for audiobook publishers!
  • Valley News gives the reasons why more and more people are buying audio books and other digital versions of books despite the general preference for paperbacks.
  • Shannon Maughan has prepared lists of audio titles that are scheduled to be released this spring. Whether you want to buy fiction or nonfiction for children and young adults, this is the place to go to read up on what’s hot.
  • Downloading audiobooks on your iPad has never been simpler thanks to WikiHows step by step instructions here.
  • Audiobooks have become extremely popular with busy people everywhere. It’s great to be able to listen to your favorite authors new book as you drive home from work in the afternoons, isn’t it?
  • Finally, we discussed the rising popularity of audiobooks and the reasons behind it. Do you listen to audiobooks? Tell us why and which ones here.

Why Audiobooks are so Popular Now

After reading Jason Boog’s article for the Galley Cat entitled, “60% of Audiobooks Sold are Now Digital,” I started thinking about just why these books have gotten so popular in the last few years. They are still not as popular as the old-fashioned paperback but they are an up and coming industry that is to be reckoned with. My question was why would anyone want to listen to something they could read? Here is what I found out.

Audiobooks have actually been around for over 70 years and were once known simply as books on tape. They were mostly used by the vision impaired at one time but in recent years have gained major popularity with other avid readers as well. I attribute much of that the the Internet and iPods. Now you can simply download an audiobook onto your computer or iPod and either listen to it at home or even driving down the road on the way to work.

People are so busy living their live now that many don’t have time to sit down and cozy up with a good book. Distractions get in the way and things have to be done. Enter the audiobook which makes it simple to listen to your favorite books, listen to the lesson for anatomy for the next day, or learn a new language while you are jogging, cooking dinner, or just lounging around the house. Audiobooks have come a long way and I only expect their popularity to increase as the years go by.

Audiobooks for the Busy Person

Audiobooks are gaining popularity as it’s so much easier to listen to a book by your favorite author than read it. That’s because with audiobooks you can listen to a mystery thriller as you jog down the road or even as you are driving to work. Daniel Scocco reports for Daily Blog Tips on what he thinks of the recent audiobooks craze.


Downloading Audiobooks on an iPad

Listening to audiobooks can be exciting and it’s so easy to do. Just plug in your iPad, or pop them in a player and listen anywhere you are. However, if you don’t know how to download the audiobooks onto your iPad then you might be in a bit of trouble. Luckily for us WikiHow has step by step instructions to help us get this done.


Selection of Audio Titles for the Coming Spring

Are you planning to buy audiobooks soon? Shannon Maughan has prepared lists of audiobooks about to be released this Spring. From serious fiction books for mature bookworms to the lighter, humorous titles for younger adults and children, Shannon has covered just about everything.  The children’s category also includes several new series including Ann M. Martin’s “A Family Tree” series. Be sure to read up on the highlights from the spring lists if you want to buy a bunch of good books for yourself or for gifts for family and friends.


Why Everyone is Buying Audiobooks

A typical reader can not stay away from books for a long time, and when they are going travelling it’s not really possible to pack up a suitcase load of books to take along. This is where audio books come in. Resting your head against the car or plane seat while listening peacefully to a story is a great way to make a long journey shorter. Valley News has published an article on the reasons why audiobooks are gaining popularity.


Audiobooks Gaining Popularity

Sales of audiobooks are rapidly increasing. According to the results of two studies carried out by the audiobook industry, about 4 million more audio books sold in the year 2011 as compared to the year 2010. Also, the percentage of people returning the books is also decreasing which adds to the positive outlook. Jason Boog tells more here.



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