Summary of Posts: March 24th 2013

This cycle in AudoBooksNow we discussed everything from the reasons people buy audiobooks to how to download them on your iPod. Join us and tell us what your favorite audiobooks are.

  • Jason Boog tells how the audiobooks are gaining popularity with increasing number sales and decreasing number of people returning the purchases to the stores. Future looks great for audiobook publishers!
  • Valley News gives the reasons why more and more people are buying audio books and other digital versions of books despite the general preference for paperbacks.
  • Shannon Maughan has prepared lists of audio titles that are scheduled to be released this spring. Whether you want to buy fiction or nonfiction for children and young adults, this is the place to go to read up on what’s hot.
  • Downloading audiobooks on your iPad has never been simpler thanks to WikiHows step by step instructions here.
  • Audiobooks have become extremely popular with busy people everywhere. It’s great to be able to listen to your favorite authors new book as you drive home from work in the afternoons, isn’t it?
  • Finally, we discussed the rising popularity of audiobooks and the reasons behind it. Do you listen to audiobooks? Tell us why and which ones here.

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