The Legend….”American Sniper”, by Chris Kyle and Scott McEwen

American Sniper“American Sniper” by authors Scott McEwen, Jim DeFelice, and Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, is an account of SEAL Kyle’s career from 1999 to 2009 as having the most career sniper kills in U. S. military history. The insurgents in Iraq feared him more than anyone, and called him al-Shaitan (the devil). He had a $20,000 bounty placed on his head by the insurgents.

Through four combat deployments, Kyle fought alongside fellow SEALS, Marines, and Army soldiers earning legendary respect from all. He protected them from rooftops and from positions that were totally undetected. He earned seven medals for bravery with the inclusion of two Silver Stars. He was also awarded the Grateful Nation Award from the Jewish Institute for National Security. After his deployments were completed, he became a chief instructor for the training of Naval Special Warfare Sniper and Counter Sniper teams.

Chris Kyle’s account of his extraordinary battle experiences will rank as one of the greatest war memoirs of all time. Clint Eastwood has directed a by the book interpretation of “American Sniper”. The movie has been Academy Award nominated for best movie, actor, actress, supporting actor, and supporting actress. The end of this remarkable life will bring even the most jaded of readers to tears.

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